HVD 型超精密分压器是采用陶瓷夹层结构的单片分压器。这些分压器在 1500 伏直流至 5000 伏直流范围内具有超精密性能,精度为 0.05%,温漂 为 5ppm/ ℃和10ppm。HVD型分压器是测试和测量仪器,医疗设备,工业中精确直流分压应用的理想选择设备,材料分析和实验室设备。用于更高精度的应用;比率公差严格至 0.01% 和比率 TC 低至 2 ppm/°C,请参见 USVD2 型分压器。
用于设计用于交流电能质量监控/计量的分压器应用,请参见 VMN 分压器网络类型。
These monolithic voltage divider networks that have ceramic-sandwich construction, offer ultra-precision performance combined with a robust transient-tolerant design for applications with continuous voltage ratings up to 5000 Volts DC. The Standard Ratio Tolerance is 0.05% with Ratio TC options of 5 ppm/°C and 10 ppm/°C. Type HVD voltage dividers are ideal for precise DC voltage division applications in Test & Measurement Instruments, Medical Equipment, Industrial Equipment, Materials Analysis and Laboratory Equipment.
For higher precision applications; Ratio Tolerance as tight as 0.01% and Ratio TC as low as 2 ppm/°C, see the Type USVD2 Voltage Dividers.
For Voltage Dividers designed for AC Power Quality Monitoring/Meteringapplications, see the Type VMN Voltage Divider Networks.
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